Product Description
One Year Update Renewal Card for Commercial Heavy Duty Trucks
Suitable for Launch X431 PAD V/ PAD VII and PRO5
One Year Update Renewal Card for Commercial Heavy Duty Trucks of Launch X431 PAD V/ PAD VII and PRO5
Before you purchase the update service, please provide the serial number to use to confirm if we can help to provide the update service firstly.
The devices which were brought from overseas dealer can not be provided update service.
1. This is for X431
2. No need shipping.
3. It will need 1-2 Days for the Launch technician to do the update service.
4. This is
One Year Update Service. Only License, no truck adapter. If you need license+adapter, please
The Launch Software update Renewal Card is a new method to update the software of the X-431 diagnosis products made by Launch. With this cards, the customer can update his X-431 diagnosis tool easily and fast.
How to Activate Heavy Duty License by PIN/Renew Card?
After purchase software, login X431 PAD, go to Local Diagnose – Store– Commercial Vehicle (HD) software activation/renewal – Subscription Renewal Card
X431 PAD will ask to submit a 24-digit renew card pin code
The 24-digit pin you can find on the activate letter in the adapter package
Manually enter pin code and sumbit
Activation done. Software will expire 1 year from now
Go to My Order, you can find the HD package order information
NOTE: Cannot perform Heavy-duty programming, only diagnosis